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Q: Which gas is radioactive and naturally formed by certain types of rocks underground?
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A radioactive gas that is naturally formed by certain types of rocks underground is called?


What is the radioactive gas that is formed by certain rocks underground?


What is a colorless naturally occurring radioactive inert gaseous element formed by radioactive decay?

It is radon that we see formed from the decay of naturally radioactive substances in the earth's crust.

What do you use to find absolute age through radioactive dating?

You measure the amount of radioactive decay that is present in certain elements that were present when the rock formed from melt.

Are diamonds made deep underground in a rock?

A diamond is a metamorphic rock formed from carbon. Diamond formation requires intense heat and extreme pressure, which naturally occurs deep underground.

Which gas is radio active and naturally formed by certain types of rocks?

The gaseous element "radon".

What is A cavern is an underground chamber formed by .?

A cavern is an underground chamber formed by erosion

Radon in the UK?

In some places Yes. Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas formed by the radioactive decay of the small amounts of uranium that occur naturally in all rocks and soils. Therefore it is fair to assume its in most places worldwide

How does something become radioactive?

It starts out that way.It became radioactive when it was produced in an ancient supernova explosion, long before earth formed. Supernova explosions are responsible for producing all elements heavier than nickel and iron (radioactive or not), the heaviest elements that can be formed by nuclear fusion.

Is granite a sedimentary rocks formed underground?

No. Granite is an igenous rock that is formed underground.

Is granite formed underground?

Yes. Granite is formed underground from solidifying felsic magma.

Name a feature that is formed by underground erosion?

Name a feature that is formed by underground erosion