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Q: Which gender of betta fish is more aggressive?
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What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

Is it possible for a female betta to kill a male betta?

Yes, females can be just as agressive, if not more aggressive, than the males. Although you should never keep the two bettas together, it has happened when breeding the fish.

What eats a fighting fish?

Crayfish, Oscars and perhaps some of the more aggressive chiclids. If you do not want your betta any longer put it up on kijiji or return it do not just kill it.

What eats a Siamese fighting fish?

Crayfish, Oscars and perhaps some of the more aggressive chiclids. If you do not want your betta any longer put it up on kijiji or return it do not just kill it.

Why do betta fish mate?

to make more bettas

Does a betta fish react more to violin or trumpet?

I suppose this depends on the tastes of the individual Betta.

Is a fish a producer?

A Betta splendens produces more Betta splendens if allowed to breed and produce more Betta splendens and so could be regarded as a "producer".

How do you know the sex of your betta?

A male is much more aggressive than a female betta. A male also has longer and more colorful fins. Never have two or more males together in the same tank.

Are Betta fish solitary in the wild?

Betta fish do live by themselves, as int hey don't travel in groups. But more then one betta inhabits a space. They live in mile long rice paddies.

Do male Betta eat male Betta fish?

No, probably not. The males would be more likely to kill the females.

My bettta fish is hyper?

Betta fish have different personalities. Some are more active than others. If your betta fish is active, that means that he is healthy. Sometimes, they will get hyper when they see you because you feed them.

What is Should you get with a 1 gallon tank A Betta fish or a variety of fish?

A betta fish would be much more suited to a 1 gallon tank than a 'variety'. You shouldn't keep much more than one fish per gallon anyway.