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Q: Which generalization is best supported by the information in this map?
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Which generalization can be best supported by the information on this 2003 map?

Without knowing the specific information on the 2003 map, it is not possible to make a generalization. Could you provide more information about the map or specify the topic of the map?

Which generalization can best be supported by the information on the 2003 map?

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What are the characteristics of a historical map?

Historical maps have the same basic characteristics of maps in general: scale, projection used, degree of generalization, and symbolism. The basic characteristics of historical maps determine how relevant it is today.

What statement is best supported by the data in the map and table?

The statement best supported by the data in the map and table is that there is a significant disparity in income levels between different states in the United States. This is evident from the variation in median household incomes across states, with some states having much higher incomes than others.

What is the best way to find the subject of a map?

The best way to find the subject on a map is to read the title of the map and other key phrases used. All maps will label any information needed to navigate.

What part of the map gives information about the symbols on the map'?

The map key gives one information about the symbols on a map.

Which would be the best source of information for a student who needs a physical map of central America?


What is the best map of the earth?

The most accurate map is the best map.

What part of a map contains information on what the symbols of a map mean?

The part of a map that has information describing symbold used in the map is called a legend.

Know how get down the hill to Ontario by a roads?

It depends on where you start. Try a map site for the best information.

What part of the map contains information on the map?

The key or legend of a map contains information on the symbols used to represent features such as roads, rivers, and landmarks. It helps users understand the meaning of the various symbols and colors used on the map.

What is a world map climate map shows information about?

A world population density map shows information about…