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Aerobic cellular respiration produces a net gain of 36 ATP per glucose molecule. Anaerobic respiration produces a net gain of 2 ATP per glucose molecules.
Aerobic cellular respiration produces 15 times more energy from sugar than anaerobic cellular respiration. :-)

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because oxygen is not available, the sugar fragments cannot go through aerobic cellular respiration in the mitochondria.therefore, anaerobic cellular respiration dose not produce nearly as much usable energy (ATP) as aerobic respiration does.

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Q: Which generates more energy from the sugar molecule aerobic or anaerobic cellular respiration?
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Cellular respiration can be aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen, anaerobic respiration does not need oxygen.

Per molecule of glucose aerobic respiration generates a total of how many ATP molecules while anaerobic generates how many ATP molecules?

Per molecule of glucose aerobic respiration generates a total of 36ATP molecules while anarobic generates 2 ATP molecules?

Does ATP make more or less cellular respiration?

ATP is the energy-storage product of cellular respiration. Aerobic cellular respiration produces around 36 ATP molecules for every glucose molecule broken down. Anaerobic respiration results in a net gain of 2 ATP molecules.

How are aerobic and anaerobic respiration similar?

Aerobic respiration occurs in the presence oxygen and creates a maximum of 38 ATP, while anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen and creates a maximum of 2 ATP. aerobic respiration has both substrate level and oxidative phosphorylation while anaerobic respiration has only substrate level phosphorlyation. also, but use glycolysis. in anaerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor is an organic molecule such as pyruvate or acetaldehyde, but in respiration, the final acceptor is oxygen.

Why is cellular respiration aerobic?

The single most important biochemical especially to us is " Cellular respiration ". Because this is how we derive energy from what we eat and used in some metabolic reactions and muscle contraction, nerve impulses.or in simple "Cellular respiration" is process from which the organisms can derive energy from the metabolic reactions.cellular respiration is starts from glucose. During cellular respiration one mole of glucose and six moles of molecular oxygen going to produce six carbon dioxide, six water molecules, and energy and 38 ATP's ( energy currency for biological system )Under cellular respiration :1) Glycolysis/ anaerobic cellular respiration ( breaking up glucose; gluc= sweet, ose = sugar ): It occurs completely under the absence of oxygen. so it this is called " anaerobic cellular respiration ".where in Glycolysis the glucose molecule need 2ATP's and generates 2ATP's so it generates a net of 2 ATP's.the byproducts of glycolysis that re-engineeredand enters in to aerobic( requires oxygen ) cellular respiration process called ;2) Krebs cycle( aerobic cellular respiration ) : Krebs cycle generates another 2 net ATP's. This 2ATP's produces NADH.3) Electron transport chain/ ETC ( aerobic cellular respiration ) : ETC generates 34 ATP's by using the NADH which are produced from the ATP in Krebs cycle.this cycle requires oxygen so aerobic respiration.that's about cellular respiration and aerobic process ( 2nd and 3rd ).Here some important thing is some of the byproducts of the glucose ; instead of going in to Krebs and ETC cycle enters into a process called Fermentation and produces alcohol and lactic acid.( Yeast= alcohol, called alcohol fermentation)( Humans= lactic acid) .

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Cellular Respiration!!!

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