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sand and gravel deposits

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Q: Which geological resource most likely resulted from glaciation?
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Which would be likely to occur in a region of continental glaciation but not in a region of valley?

The presence of large moraines (deposits of glacial till), erratic rocks (boulders carried by glaciers), and drumlins (elongated hills formed by glacial action) would be more likely in a region of continental glaciation compared to a region of valley glaciation. The larger scale and extensive coverage of ice in continental glaciation are responsible for shaping the landscape in these ways.

What did Scientists discovered evidence that indicates that there have probably been?

Scientists have discovered evidence suggesting that there have likely been multiple ice ages in Earth's history. This evidence includes geological records, such as glacial deposits and landforms, as well as the analysis of ice cores and other climate indicators. The presence of these clues indicates that the Earth has experienced periods of extensive glaciation over millions of years.

How was the tallest hill created?

The tallest hill was likely formed through a combination of geological processes such as volcanic activity, tectonic plate movement, erosion, or sediment deposition over millions of years. These processes gradually shaped the land to create the hill's current height and form.

The appearance of a white bacterial colony most likely resulted from?

1. Mutation Castle Learning #SWAG

What is most likely made from a nonrenewable resource bread gasoline oxygen or oxygen?

Gasoline is most likely made from a nonrenewable resource, as it is typically derived from fossil fuels like crude oil. Bread is made from renewable resources like wheat, while oxygen is a natural element essential for life.

Related questions

Are coal and oil deposits geological resources most likely resulted from glaciation?

No, coal and oil deposits are not typically a result of glaciation. Coal forms from the accumulation and decomposition of plant material over millions of years. Oil deposits originate from the remains of marine plants and animals that were buried and transformed under high pressure and temperature. Glaciation can impact the distribution of these deposits but is not the main factor in their formation.

Which would be likely to occur in a region of continetal glaciation but not in a region of valley glaciaton?

The presence of large ice sheets covering extensive land areas would be likely in a region of continental glaciation. This type of glaciation is characterized by vast ice sheets that spread over entire continents, unlike valley glaciation which occurs in mountain valleys and is more localized in scope.

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What would be the most likely geological feature that influenced the drawing of the proclamation of 1763?

The most likely geological feature that influenced the drawing of the proclamation of 1763 would be the Appalachian Mountains.

Which would be likely to occur in a region of continental glaciation but not in a region of valley?

The presence of large moraines (deposits of glacial till), erratic rocks (boulders carried by glaciers), and drumlins (elongated hills formed by glacial action) would be more likely in a region of continental glaciation compared to a region of valley glaciation. The larger scale and extensive coverage of ice in continental glaciation are responsible for shaping the landscape in these ways.

What geological feature is most likely to be produced by the plume?

A volcano.

What did Scientists discovered evidence that indicates that there have probably been?

Scientists have discovered evidence suggesting that there have likely been multiple ice ages in Earth's history. This evidence includes geological records, such as glacial deposits and landforms, as well as the analysis of ice cores and other climate indicators. The presence of these clues indicates that the Earth has experienced periods of extensive glaciation over millions of years.

What geological and climatic conditions are likely to affect slope replacement and parallel slope retreat?


What resource markets are LEAST LIKELY to sell?

goods and services

Which of the following changes would most likely increase the rate at which a resource is consumed?

Increasing the frequency of use or access to the resource would most likely increase its rate of consumption.

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goods and services

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