

Which giant wooden animal is associated with Trojan war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The Trojan horse .

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Q: Which giant wooden animal is associated with Trojan war?
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What giant animal is associated with Trojan war?

A wooden horse.

What giant wooden is associated with the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse.

What giant wooden animal is associated with the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse was the one that brought an end to the war when it was packed full of warriors and left so the enemies would take it inside their city. They did, and in the middle of the night the warriors popped out and took over the city.

How are Trojan horses Greek?

the Trojan horse was a giant wooden hollow horse the Greeks used to hide soldiers in and to attack troy the Trojan symbol was a horse and they thought it was a gift

What is the name of the virus that appears to be a legitimate program but when opened it can steal passwords or destroy data?

The name it's given is called a Trojan virus taken from the Trojan war with worriors inside a giant wooden horse that was a given as a gift.

Why do you think the people were tricked by the Trojan horse?

They had seen nothing like it before and were very curious. How should they know it was not only a giant wooden horse?

Why did the Trojan fall?

the Greeks infiltrated their fortress by hiding in a giant wooden horse, that the trojans thought was a gift, and the Greeks went around at night and killed everyone.

Who won the war in the Trojan war?

The Greeks won by using a giant hollow wooden horse with Greeks inside to get inside the Trojans defenses so they could open the gates

Is the Trojan horse real?

The Trojan horse appears in Greek mythology, and it is believed that something to that effect occurred, but I seriously doubt it happened exactly the way legend tells it. It is suggested that the 'horse' represented an earthquake that weakened Troy's city walls, and it also may refer to the Trojan calvary led by Hector, but whether or not it was a giant wooden horse filled with soldiers is debatable.

Who built the Trojan Horse?

The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war. Athena was one of the goddess that Paris did not choose. She inspired the Greeks to build a giant wooden horse as a way of tricking the Trojans into opening their gates.

Did the greek people win the Trojan war?

odysessus thought up the idea of putting soldiers inside a giant wooden horse left in front of the Trojan gate as a peace offering. the trojans brought the horse inside, thus the Greeks were able to open the gates and let all the Greeks in for a midnight surprise attack so yes, the greek people win

Who planned the wooden horse trick?

in the Trojan war the greek's pretended they had given up their siege of troy and pretended to go home, leaving a giant wooden horse behind as a supposed trophy but they hid greek warriors in the wooden horse so they were taken into the city with the horse. At night the greek warriors climbed ut of the horse, opened the city gates for the rest of the greek army that had now returned and they slaughtered the trojans in their beds.