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Q: Which glacial land form is a result of deposition?
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What type of glaciers are there and how do they erode the land?

glacial deposition and glacial erosion

Explain the difference between erosion and deposition?

Glacial erosion is the process by which a glacial flows over the land, picking up rocks. Glacial deposition is the process by which a glacier gathers a huge amount of rock and soil as it Erodes the land in the path

Is a drumlin caused by erosion?

A drumlin is a land-form from glacial deposition, which was once eroded. It is formed both by erosion and deposition. A drumlin is formed when moraine deposited by a retreating glacier is subsequently reshaped by the returning glacier the following year or after the glacial interval with caused the glacier to retreat in the first place.

How are drumlins form?

A Drumlin is a sub-glacial land form. It is a result of catastrophic flooding due to the release of melt water accumulating beneath ice sheets of regional uplift of tectonic movements.

What is moraine erosion or deposition?

moraine is a sedimentary rock. All sedimentary rocks are formed from the deposition of eroded sediments, pebbles, boulders... etc. Morain is a glacial deposit. As a glacier moves over the land it erodes and transports bits of rock. When the glacier melts it deposits these bits of rock to form morain.

What is the usual order by which a land form is changed?

weathering, erosion, deposition

What are two land-forms form by river deposition?

River deposition creates landforms such as alluvial and deltas.

How do glaciers cause deposition?

Glacial deposition occurs when a glacier melts, and deposits the sediment it eroded from the land.

How does deposition affect land form?

It slowly degrades shores and walls on the sea or rivers.

A stream Valley Land form is the most common result of what?

A stream valley is usually 'V' shaped, formed by erosion from a stream. A glacial valley is usually 'U' shaped, formed by the action of a glacier.

How does glacial erosion affects the shape of the land?

Glacial erosion can carve out deep valleys, create U-shaped valleys, and leave behind moraines and drumlins. The movement of glaciers erodes rock and soil, shaping the land through processes such as abrasion and plucking. As glaciers flow over the landscape, they can significantly alter the topography by creating features like cirques and fjords.

How do landform evolve?

There are many different ways that a land form evolve. These land forms can evolve by erosion or deposition for example.