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An orchiectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the testicles, leaving the rest of the male anatomy in tact. This procedure reduces androgens, including the hormone testosterone, in the body.

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Q: Which glands and hormones are affected by orchiectomy?
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What are the endocrine gland and hormones involved in an orchiectomy?

Orchiectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the testicles. The testicles' endocrine function is production of testosterone.

Which glands and hormones are affected by Oophorectomy?

The Pituitary Gland Hormones: Lutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone

How can you use glands and hormones in a sentence?

Humans have various glands and hormones which help for proper functioning. This is a sentence using glands and hormones.

The chemical secretions of the endocrine glands are called?

i think is hormones

What is a chemical made by glands in the body?

the glands produce hormones

What are the Ductless glands that secrete hormones known as?

Glands that secrete hormones do that into the blood, not into ducts. Hormones are not secreted into ducts. glands that secrete into ducts are called exocrine glands. Glands that secrete hormones are endocrine glands.

What does the exocrine glands secrete?

Hormones, different glands produce different hormones.

What glands signals other glands secret hormones?

The adrenal gland signals other glands to secrete hormones.

What glands transport hormones?

The glands of the endocrine system transport hormones in the body. Some of those glands are the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.

What are the parts of the glands?

The pituitary gland has two parts. The anterior (or front) pituitary produces hormones that affect the breasts, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries and testes, as well as several other hormones. The main glands affected by the posterior (or rear) pituitary are the kidneys.

What is a group of glands that produce hormones?

A group of glands that produce hormones is the endocrine system.

What is manufactured in the glands?

Glands produce hormones.