

Which god is Aphrodite

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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She is the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality.

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Q: Which god is Aphrodite
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Is Aphrodite a human or god?

Aphrodite is a false god.

Who is Aphrodite and what did she do?

Aphrodite is the god of beauty

Who made Aphrodite?

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Is aphrodite the god of love or is eros the god of love?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, Eros is the god of love.

Why is Aphrodite inapropriate in god of war?

Aphrodite is inappropriate in god of war because she is the god of love. Artemis is the god of war.

What was Aphrodite?

Aphrodite was the Greek god of love and campassion

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Well athena is god of wisdom and aphrodite is god of love and beauty.

Why is Aphrodite god?

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty

What was he celebration for Aphrodite?

Valentine's day. aphrodite is the god of love

Who is Aphrodite god?

Aphrodite is a Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Is Aphrodite a demigod?

No, Aphrodite was a goddess born of a god and goddess.

Which god loved Aphrodite?

the god of the forges