

Which goddess saved Iphigenia

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The goddess Artemis saved Iphigenia in one version of the myth. In the other, Iphigenia was not saved and was sacrificed.

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Q: Which goddess saved Iphigenia
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In one of the myths, it was said that Iphigenia was sacrificed to the goddess Artemis to win back her favor.

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Iphigenia was the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. She was sacrificed to Artemis by her father to ensure safe sailing to Troy. In some myths, she was saved by Artemis and brought to the land of the Taurians.

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Artemis was very protective of pregnant women, animals, and cities, but I believe her greatest achievement was when she saved Iphigenia from being sacrificed in her honor.

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Iphigenia was sacrificed in the Boeotian harbor of Aulis, opposite the island of Euboea, or as others say, was saved at the last moment by Artemis, who substituted for her a deer or a bull at the altar, and transported her to Tauris where she later, having met her brother Orestes, was brought by him back home.

Who was the brother of Iphigenia?

Orestes was the brother of Iphigenia. Electra was her sister.

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Affection for Iphigenia from Paris is not mentioned in mythology.

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Iphigenia was mortal. She did not have any extraordinary powers.