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anyone that doesn't look like them (how pathetic) or follows the same religion (they follow Christianity) they would KILL for this world to have only whites and christians. all they teach is nothing but hate. never follow those idiots pal.

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Blacks, along with with Republicans, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, and opponents of National Prohibition.

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Mostly blacks because they felt as if they had no reason being here.

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Q: What does the KKK target?
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Yes, the KKK did target Mormons in the Southern United States. There are several events described in various journals and newspapers. It is thought that the KKK started the rumor that Mormons have horns (due to Elder J. Golden Kimball telling them so in an attempt to scare them) and contributed to the rumor that Mormonism is very secretive (because meetings and services were often held secretly at night to avoid harrassment).

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Why do hate groups like the KKK exist?

Hate groups like the KKK exist due to ingrained prejudices, fear, and a desire for power and control. These groups often target marginalized communities and use hate as a means to spread their ideologies and recruit members, perpetuating a cycle of discrimination and violence.

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What banned the KKK?

Federal legislation banned the KKK.

Are there KKK in pennslyvania?

The KKK is a secret organization. However, there were KKK groups in Pennsylvania is the 1920, largely because of its staunch support of National Prohibition.

Are the KKK and the aryan nation related?

No the KKK & the aryan nation are not related. To be truthful the KKK is for the most part fake.