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Q: Which group does all the sauces fall under?
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Who developed the modern system for classifying Sauce?

All sauces in cooking are derived from five basic sauces, called the mother sauces. Established by French chef Antonine Carême in the early 19th century, the mother sauces were traditionally prepared in huge quantities, and then separated into smaller portions with additional ingredients added to create a multitude of variations. Still today, all sauces can be categorized under one of the five mother sauces, including béchamel, velouté, espagnole, hollandaise and tomato sauces

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Koreans are Ataic group: Koreans, Manchurians, Mongols, Japanese, Asian Turkish. Its all same group of people. ( Language and Culture are different).Koreans fall under the racial category Mongoloid.

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Pasta sauces off the shelf are full of sugar and preservatives. Not all sauces have to be unhealthy though. Go out and grab some fresh organic ingredients and make your own pasta sauces without the fillers.

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The peanut belongs in the protein food category, in the food pyramid, as do all nuts, meats, and dairy products.

What kingdom do domestic cats fall under?

All cats fall under Kingdom Animalia. So do dogs, pigs, horses, giraffes, elephants, etc.