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In US history, the Puritans of colonial Massachusetts believed in the supernatural powers of witches, and that they were demonically or Satanically inspired, and therefore contrary to Christianity. The witch trials of Salem, MA occurred in 1692 and 1693.

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Various ethnic and religious groups throughout the world have at some time believed that witches are real. Ironically, belief in witches of the sort that were thought to worship the devil, tended to spread along with Christianity.

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Q: Which group of people believed that witches were real?
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What makes us believe that God is real?

A:People are herd animals. Most of us like to belong to the group and follow the common position on things beyond our knowledge. And it takes courage not to believe in something that others seem to believe in strongly. In earlier times, people believed in witches because everyone believed in witches. They believed in ghosts or possession by demons because everyone else believed in them. People still believe God is real because the people around us believe this.

Did Salem witches kill people?

There were no real witches in salem.

Did people burn witches during Rudolf Bruns time?

Witches are not real.

Are the witches on shakespeares play for entertainment or did the audience believe in them?

Whether or not the audience believed in the existence of real witches, the witches in Macbeth are for entertainment. Nobody thought they were anything other than a group of actors. The witches may have originally been played for laughs, and certainly the addition of songs and dialogue and the character Hecate from Middleton's play The Witch made them very silly indeed.

How were witches discovered?

I wouldn't say that they were discovered so much as falsely accused. Witches are mythical (at least in the sense that you mean).most were discovered by towns people wrongfully accusing people because they did not like them but some tryed to prove a point that witches were not devil worshiper but they just ended up being killed

What skin problems are witches known to have?

Witches are real people so any regular skin problem

When did people believe in witches?

actually people have always believed in witch craft ...but it wasnt until the 16th century that people really believed even more then before in witch craft and went on douzens of witch hunts in the idea that they would purge the world of witches and even now though people do believe in witches and wiccans and im not talking about twilight and harry potter their are actuall real things like that out in the world not the far fetched crap the media is trying to push on us.Even though Harry Potter IS and always will be the most amazing film in the universe, it does not explain why people belive in witches :S

What are witches in the 17th centry like?

They were just ordinary people. Witches are not real, ignorant people decided to blame someone for things they could not understand

Is there real witches in Chilliwack?

Yes, there are real witches in Chilliwack (British Columbia).

Are there any witches in Gambia?

No. There are no witches in Gambia. But there are some gullible people that may believe in witches for no good reason. If you want to find some real live witches, you can find them in the United States. However do not get the mistaken belief that witches are necessarily evil or servants of Satan, the devil or Lucifer. Real witches are descendants of ancient earth and pagan religions.

Who were the real wiches of Salem?

The witches of Salem were people who were believed to be using witchcraft against the village people. These people were medicine women/men, outsiders such as Quakers (people who didn't believe in using violence to solve problems) or people disliked by certain people of authority in the village or town.

Are good and bad witchs real?

there are some some good witches and bad witches good witches used there power to heal people bad witches used there powers to kill people some people killed witches and hunt them down the witch hunters put witches on crosses and made sure when they caputerd them they hold them up so they can not use their powers to talk to the devil from below