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In 1848 there was 10,000 people living there and at 1849 their gold rush attracted many people and they zoomed from 14,000 to 100,000.

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Q: Which groups migrated to California after 1848?
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What groups migrated to California after 1848?


How many social groups settled in California in 1848?

74 groups

What did California became part of the US in 1848. Soon after thousands of people migrated across the country to settle in California. This mass migration took place because?

The gold rush.

Which of these groups of states became part of the U.S. as a result of the Mexican cession on 1848?

california, your mom, and santa

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Most Okies migrated to California

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Explain some of the reasons why many Americans chose to migrate to California after 1850?

Uh, I think one of them is the gold rush. The gold rush in California was from 1848 to about 1854 and loads of people migrated to California because of it, so probably this was one of the reasons?

Which of these groups of states became part of the US as a result of the Mexican Cession of 1848?

You don't say who "these groups" are but the correct answer is California, Nevada, and Utah and parts of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

What was found in California in 1848?


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In the year of 1848.

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What was discovered in California in 1848?
