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2d ago

Topsoil has higher fertility compared to subsoil. Topsoil contains most of the organic matter, nutrients, and microbial activity that support plant growth, while subsoil typically has lower organic matter content and nutrient availability.

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Q: Which has higher fertility topsoil or subsoil?
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Does topsoil have more fertility then subsoil?

Yes topsoil has more fertility and humus than subsoil.

What the difference between subsoil and topsoil?

topsoil is near the roots of trees and subsoil is underneath the roots of trees

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How are topsoil and subsoil different and alike?

They are both made with the same substance but the topsoil has newer soil than the subsoil.

How are topsoil and subsoil alike and different?

They are both made with the same substance but the topsoil has newer soil than the subsoil.

How does the subsoil become rich in minerals?

The subsoil becomes rich in minerals as minerals from the topsoil leach down into the subsoil.

Why does the subsoil have lighter color than the topsoil?

Topsoil has more organic material.

What is the definition of subsoil?

The soil beneath the topsoil.

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What are topsoil and subsoil examples of?

top soil is sand nd subsoil are rocks mix with sand