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Q: Which has more animals—a mole of elephants or a mole of chickens?
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Which has more animals—a mole of elephants or a mole of chickens *?


Which has more animals a dozen elephants or a dozen chickens?

The elephants, of course. Chickens aren't animals, they're birds. ================================================== Many people confuse "animals" and "mammals." Both chickens and elephants are animals. However, elephants are mammals and chickens are birds. Whoever asked you this riddle is probably confused about the difference between animals and mammals.

What animals lived in ancient India?

- sheep -tigers -goats -camels -monkeys -chickens -snakes -water buffalos -cows -elephants - and much more

What will weigh more a mole of Na or a mole of S?

A mole of S (32 g) weighs more than a mole of Sodium Na (23 g)

How common are chickens?

Chickens are very common because there are more chickens then humans and at hawaii there are wild chickens.

What weighs more 5 elephants or a whale?

5 elephants

Do american's eat more rabbits or chickens?

chickens by far

What would happen if elephants became extinct?

There will be no more elephants. Boo

What weighs more one mole of oxygen or one mole of sodium?

One atom of sodium weighs more than one atom of oxygen. Thus, one mole of sodium weighs more than one mole of oxygen.

Do elephants go through puberty?

believe it or not, they do! male elephants become more aggresive, and female elephants get on heat,

Why dont chickens lay as much eggs in wet weather?

Chickens will lay more eggs when it is warm and sunny. You can put a light where the nests are to innfluence the chickens to lay more eggs.

You raise chickens there are more than 50 in your barn?

I raise chickens, and there are more than 50 in my barn.