

Which herpes viruses have vacines

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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As far as I know chicken pox (herpes zooster) and shingles have vaccines. Chicken pox can cause shingles later in life. If you have had chicken pox before you may want to consider getting vaccinated for shingles and get your children vaccinated for chicken pox.

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Q: Which herpes viruses have vacines
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Some naked viruses include poliomyelitis, warts, the common cold, chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, herpes simplex (cold sores), influenza, herpes viruses and HIV (AIDS). Some enveloped viruses include norovirus (stomach bug), rotavirus and human papillomavirus (HPV).

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Is shingles and herpes are same?

Herpes is a family if viruses that cause different diseases. Herpes simplex I is associated with cold sores, herpes simplex II is associated with genital herpes (although those two can be reversed), CMV and EBV can cause mononucleosis and colds and congenital infections in babies as well as cancers, roseolovirus can cause roseola, human herpes virus 8 causes Kaposi's sarcoma and other cancers. The herpes varicella-zoster virus causes chicken pox (varicella). It lies dormant in nerve cells and years later it can reactivate to cause shingles (zoster). So shingles is one example of a herpes virus infection.

Can you have both herpes simplex types 1 and 2?

Yes you can be infected with both viruses.

Can somebody virus become active once a year?

Some viruses go latent and then become active later. Various viruses in the herpes family are well known for this: oral herpes - cold sores, chicken pox - shingles, etc.