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Q: Which historical thinking skill is the historian using?
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What do historians do when using the historical thinking of chronological thinking?

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What do historians do when using the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking?

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What historian would like to analyze u.s history using the historical thinking skill of periodzation which of the following actions should he take?

Divide American history into eras with distinct characteristics. (APEX)

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Compare histories we by people who fought on different sides of a war. (APEX)

What would a historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis do?

A historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis would carefully examine and evaluate original sources from a particular time period or event, such as letters, diaries, photographs, or official documents. They would look for biases, perspectives, context, and credibility within these sources to better understand the past and draw informed conclusions about historical events.

What might a historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis do?

Interview civilians who are currently living in war zone

Which historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis might:?

Interview civilians who are currently living in a war zone. (APEX)

A historian using the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking might?

Use a timline to order battles in a war. (APEX)

What do historians do when using the historical thinking skill of analyzing historical sources?

Answer this question… Analyze the work of other historians to draw conclusions