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Q: Which housing were built by the anasaizi?
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four types of systems-built housing

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That is the box it is built into.

What different types of housing where built by the Anasazi?

it was built by kivas and publeus

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As cheaper housing.

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they were built by the Saudis and Americans for a housing complex in Saudi Arabia.....

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Stella wright was built in 1959.

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Was highland towers built as section 8 housing Cincinnati?

Check with the local housing authority in that jurisdiction.

What problem did industrialism create?

industrialization is a problem which causes the city to be more crowded. there will be no more space for housing because of the factories that has been built in the area for housing. factories and other business building are built there instead of the houses that have to be built which is the basic needs of people in the country.

What different types housing were built by the anasazi?

The different types of housing were built by the Anasazi were that the built houses on top of each other, creating large multistoried complexes. They also built their houses in canyon walls. On th other hand, they built cliff dwellings. They built houses such as longhouse, kivas, pueblos, and teepees

How is the housing in Greece?

Houses were built from mud, stone, or clay.