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Q: Which hydrocarbon produces the most water vapour when it is burned completely?
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What is produced when hydrocarbon fuels burn inside an engine?

Carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced when hydrocarbons are burned in plenty of air.

What do you get when you burn a hydrocarbon with oxygen?

Generally, the hydrocarbon undergoes a combustion reaction, forming water and carbon dioxide. The water formed may be in the form of water vapour. But in the case where oxygen is limited, the hydrocarbon may under incomplete combustion, forming a gaseous mixture of water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen.A hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen means burning the hydrocarbon. When hydrocarbons are burned, the oxides of the compound elements, such as CO2,H2O are formed. If the hydrocarbon contain elements like Nitrogen, sulfur, etc oxides of them can be formed.

What turns into water when burned?


When kerosene vapour is burned what is formed?

carbon, some SO2

Is water vapour a liquid?

Water vapour is not completely a gas.It contains a lot of water.But it can also be said as a gas........

What is the cloud trail from the engines on a high flying airplane?

Basic answer is water vapour from the combustion of the hydrocarbon fuel burnt in the engine. The low temp at high altitude causes the vapour to condense - so it is a man made cloud.All hydrocarbon fuels burn in air (combining with oxygen) to produce water (hydrogen oxide) and carbon dioxide.

Would distillation or filtration produce the purest water from river waterGive a reason?

Because distillation produces vapour and impuritites can not leave with the vapour

What products formed when H2O gas is burned?

H2O is Water vapour, it cant be burned... it is not flamable and cant be altered by combustion via inclusion of other gasses.... Water vapour is generally the product of combustion reactions and after condensation can be converted back into liquid...

What gas is produced during combustion?

When Oxygen is deficient in the combustion of a hydrocarbon carbon monoxide (CO) will be produced and in severe cases even carbon(S) can be produced.

What happens when heated steal wool is lower into sulfur vapour?

The steel wool will burned and turned in black substance.

What are three pollutants released into the air when fuels are burned?

Carbon dioxide, water vapour and nitrogen.

Which hydrocarbon is most volatile and which is least volatile?

Most - CH4 Least - unanswerable as so very many high molecular weight hydrocarbons have almost no vapour pressure. Hydrocarbon would include compounds such as macro-molecules of rubbers and other 3 dimensional polymers.