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At the South Pole, the elevation in excess of 9,000 feet is the thickness of the ice, plus, since the ice is so heavy, it pushes the continent under the pole to below sea level.

The sea ice over the Arctic -- the site of the North Pole -- floats on sea water and is not as thick as the ice that covers the Antarctic continent.

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Q: Which ice is the thickest the ice in Antarctica or the arctic?
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Where is the thickest ice in the Antarctic?

The thickest ice is found in East Antarctica. For example, Lake Vostok, a sub-glacial lake found in East Antarctica has a surface measured at -1,640.4′.

How much more ice has the arctic over Antarctica?

There is much more ice covering Antarctica -- about 90% of the earth's store of ice -- than in the Arctic.

Where is the majority of the earths freshwater found?

In the Antarctica and Arctic regions, the freshwater is stored as ice.

Is Antarctica an ice cap?

Yes and it is sitting on the landmass of Antarctica. the Arctic ice cap is floating in water.

Are both the Arctic and Antarctica continents?

No, only Antarctica is considered a continent. The Arctic is an ocean region covered by sea ice and surrounded by North America, Europe, and Asia.

Is it the Arctic or the Antarctic region that is solid ice?

The arctic is is mostly ice. Antarctica is a continent that is included in the antarctic region.

Is antarctica a continent covered by ice and snow just like the arctic?

yes, with exception that the arctic's ice is melting

Is it colder in the Antarctic then arctic?

Yes, it is colder, by about 30 degrees F. Why? Antarctica is a continent covered with ice. The Arctic ice simply freezes over sea water. The ice area in the Arctic is significantly smaller than the ice sheet that covers Antarctica.

What is the difference between the arctics and antarctica?

The Arctic is the area around the North Pole and Antarctica is the continent at the South Pole. The Arctic is not actually land but a combination of ice and water, by contrast, the Antarctic is a continent and landmass covered in ice. The Arctic is in the North and Antarctica is in the South. They are both at the Earth's poles but the Arctic is made up of solely ice and is just a collection of large ice caps. Antarctica is actually a continent with ice and solid land too. The biggest difference is that the Arctic region is essentially a frozen ocean surrounded by continents. Antarctica is a frozen continent surrounded by an ocean.

How much snow is there in Antarctica compared to Arctic?

The Arctic is a sea bed: Antarctica is a continent, and a desert with less than five percent humidity. Snow in the Arctic collects on sea ice or melts when it falls into the Arctic Ocean. There is no snow in Antarctica, rather ice crystals that blow in the constant wind.

Is it colder in Antarctica than in the Arctic?

Yes, Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic, because it is a continent. The Arctic is open water and sea ice.

Is Antarctica a name given to the northern ice cap?

No, the Northern ice cap is the Arctic. Antarctica is the name of the continent at the South Pole.