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Q: Which individual was responsible for the creation of an invention which allowed for more efficient production of textiles?
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Who was responsible for the creation of an invention which allowed for more efficient production of textiles?

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Who was responsible for the creation of the invention which allowed for more efficient production of textiles?

Dread scott

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The printing press.

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Printing press

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Printing press

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************************StudyIsland CORRECT ANSWER:the spinning wheel.************************

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The invention of made book production efficient and less costly?

The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized book production by allowing for mass production of books. This led to a significant reduction in the cost of producing books, making them more accessible to a wider audience and spurring the spread of knowledge and literacy.

When was guttenbergs invention of the printing press and movable metal type allowing the mass production of books?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with movable metal type in the mid-15th century, around 1440-1450. This invention revolutionized the production of books by allowing for faster and more efficient printing, leading to the mass production and dissemination of knowledge.