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Q: Which inhibits the flow of current?
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What is the direction of current due to flow of electrons if it is not conventional current?

Electron flow is from negative to positive. Conventional current flow is from positive to negative.

What is the flow of electrons is called?


What is electric current flow?

Answerits lightning, for a more simple answer......electric current flow is the movement of charges. Most often, however, we consider electric current flow to be moving electrons, or electron current flow.We most often use the term electric current flow to refer to the moving electrons, the flow of which is measured in amperes.Earlier scientists, before the discovery of electron, do believe that current flows right from positive terminal to the negative. This is known as conventional current flow.So electron flow is always opposite the direction of conventional current.

Electron current flow theory considers electricity to be the flow of charge carries which are what in polarity?

When we consider electron flow, we think of moving electrons. The electron has a negative charge. This model of current flow, the electron current flow model, follows the movement of those negative charges.As a contrast, we might consider what is called conventional current flow. And that the model of current involves the movement of charges with a positive polarity.

Something that will not let electricity flow through it is a?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. Bad conductor of current, or an insulator.

Related questions

It inhibits the flow of current?


What in electricity is like friction and tends to reduce the amount of current flow like buildup in a pipe reduces water flow?

Resistance inhibits current flow.

Is a substance that inhibits or stops the flow of free elections?

A dielectric, insulator or insulation Is a substance that inhibits or stops the flow of free elections

What inhibits the flow of electricity?

A resistor inhibits the flow of electricity by varying degrees, depending on value.Total inhibition is provided by an insulator.Resistance or Impediance (magnetic fields), or a combination of both impede electrical flow.

What are the advantages of co-current flow?

A Counter-current flow has more advantages as comapared to a co-current flow.

What is a current flow restrictor?

A current flow restrictor is a diode.

Do thermal insulators conduct good heat?

No. The definition of an insulator is: something that inhibits the flow of energy (heat, light, electromagnetic, electric current) from one region of space to another. Therefore thermal (heat) insulators do not conduct heat.

Voltage is pressure and current is flow what opposes flow?

Reverse current.

Is it possible to flow current wireless?

No it is not possible to flow current wireless.

Does resistance depend upon current?

The higher the resistance the lower the current flow. It restricts the flow of electrical current. The resistance will not depend upon the current. The current flow will depend on the resistance.

Steady flow of electrons?

elelctric current

What is the direction of current due to flow of electrons if it is not conventional current?

Electron flow is from negative to positive. Conventional current flow is from positive to negative.