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Airspeed, altimeter, and vertical speed.

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1mo ago

If the static vents become clogged, the airspeed indicator, altimeter, and vertical speed indicator will become inoperative. These instruments rely on static pressure to provide accurate readings, so any blockage in the static vents will disrupt their functioning.

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Q: Which instrument(s) will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?
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Which instrument will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?

Airspeed, altimeter, and vertical speed indicator

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Airspeed indicator, alitimeter, and vertical speed indicator.

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They become charges

When electrons move from one object to another they become with static electricity?

They become charges

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non-changing. Always stays the same. Your life will become static if you never do anything new.

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They did not - theirs was a very static and stable empire.

What will happen to the aircraft indicating instruments if the aircraft static port is blocked?

On most (all) modern aircraft there is more than 1 static port. In case the static ports are blocked, most pitot probes also have a static pressure sensor that will sense the pressure. (Tiny hole on the top or bottom of the probe) Static ports are one of the most important parts on an aircraft which is why you will always find an auxillary port for both pilots.

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What is the aim of static electricity?

The aim of static electricity is to achieve balance of electric charges. Objects become charged when they gain or lose electrons, resulting in static electricity buildup. This can lead to attraction or repulsion between objects, as they seek to balance their charges.

Is static electricity caused by opposite charges?

Yes, static electricity is caused by the buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object. This charge imbalance can occur when two objects with opposite charges come into contact and become separated, creating a static charge.

How does an object become charged with static electricity and what are some of its effects?

By adding or losing eletrons (friction)