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Q: Which instrument is used to detect how air is moving?
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What is a type of turbine used to capture the energy of moving air?

A windmill is a type of turbine that is used to capture the energy of moving air.

What uses kinetic energy from moving air?

the brakes on a bicycle when used turn kinetic energy into chemical energy.

How does air cause a pressure against a car windscreen?

When a car is moving, this creates a difference in the relative velocity of the car as compared to the surrounding air. This creates a wind that presses on the windscreen. It doesn't actually matter, in terms of the amount of pressure, whether the car is not moving and the air is moving, or the car is moving and the air is not moving, what matters is only the difference in velocity between the car and the air.

When warm air rises and cool air from the water is moving in pulling her along in air moving from sea to land?

how am i supposed to know...I ASKED YOU D:<

What does electroscope measure?

An electroscope is an early scientific instrument that is used to detect the presence and magnitude of electric charge on a body. It was the first electrical measuring instrument. The first electroscope, a pivoted needle called the versorium, was invented by British physician William Gilbert around 1600.[1] The pith-ball electroscope and the gold-leaf electroscope are two classical types of electroscope that are still used in physics education to demonstrate the principles of electrostatics. A type of electroscope is also used in the quartz fiber radiation dosimeter.Electroscopes detect electric charge by the motion of a test object due to the Coulomb electrostatic force. The electric potential or voltage of an object equals its charge divided by its capacitance, so electroscopes can be regarded as crude voltmeters. The accumulation of enough charge to detect with an electroscope requires hundreds or thousands of volts, so electroscopes are only used with high voltage sources such as static electricity and electrostatic machines. Electroscopes generally give only a rough, qualitative indication of the magnitude of the charge; an instrument that measures charge quantitatively is called an electrometer.Source : Wikipedia

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An airtight instrument composed of thin sheets of metal used to measure air pressure?

The instrument you are referring to is called a barometer. It measures air pressure by using a column of mercury or aneroid capsules to detect changes in atmospheric pressure.

What is the medical term meaning Instrument used to measure the pressure in the eye to detect glaucoma?

A tonometer is the medical term for the instrument used to measure the pressure in the eye to detect glaucoma. The tonometer shoots a blast of air into the eye, directly into the pupil.A tonometer is used to measure eye pressure.

What is a moving iron galvanometer?

A moving iron galvanometer is a type of electrical measuring instrument that uses a coil of wire and a movable iron needle to detect and measure electric currents. When current flows through the coil, it creates a magnetic field that moves the iron needle, which indicates the strength and direction of the current.

Which weather instrument is use to measure air pressure?

The barometer is the instrument that is used to measure the air pressure.

What is a barometer what does it do?

a barometer is a tool used to detect the air pressure

What is the instrument used to measureing air pressure?


What is the Global Hawks specific use?

The Global Hawk, made by Northrop Grumman, is an aerial surveillance aircraft which is unmanned. It is used to detect moving targets. The U.S. Air Force currently has 37 of these.

Is a type of turbine used to capture the energy of moving air.?

A windmill is a type of turbine that is used to capture the energy of moving air.

What type of turbine is used to capture the energy of moving air?

A windmill is a type of turbine that is used to capture the energy of moving air.

What instrument is used to measure how hot or cold air is?


Difference Between Plant air and instrument air?

Plant air refers to compressed air used for general plant operations and equipment, while instrument air is a specific type of compressed air of higher quality used to operate pneumatic instrumentation and control devices that require clean and dry air. Instrument air typically has lower moisture content and fewer contaminants than plant air to prevent issues with sensitive instruments.

What is a type of turbine used to capture the energy of moving air?

A windmill is a type of turbine that is used to capture the energy of moving air.