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The chimes have the highest pitch in the percussion family.

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Q: Which instrument of the percussion family has the highest pitch?
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Which instrument produces the highest pitch of all woodwing instruments?

The piccolo is the highest pitched instrument in the woodwind family

How do you change the pitch on percussion instruments?

Depends on the percussion instrument. What kind?

What is the highest percussion instrument?

Snare drum

What is the difference between un tuned and tuned percussion?

The same as the difference between a tuned and un-tuned wind instrument or string instrument.

Which of the following is NOT a percussion instrument of definite pitch?


What is a untuned percussion instrument?

An untuned percussion instrument is one that has no specific pitch. It includes the wood block, triangle, tambourine and cymbals.

What is the difference between a pitched percussion instrument and a non-pitched percussion instrument?

A pitched percussion instrument play numerous pitches (i.e. xylophone), while nonpitched percussion instruments play one pitch (i.e. snare drum).

Is a rattle a tuned percussion instrument or a untuned percussion?

Untuned, because it doesn't play a specific pitch.

What are unpitched percussion?

An unpitched percussion instrument is a percussion instrument played in such a way as to produce sounds of indeterminate pitch, or an instrument normally played in this fashion.Unpitched percussion is typically used to maintain a rhythm or to provide accents, and its sounds are unrelated to the melody and harmony of the music.

What percussion instrument is unpitched?

A percussion instrument with no pitch is (obviously) a percussion instrument, but with no recognisable note in any scale, producing a beat rather than a note. Examples of these instruments are snare drum, bass drum, tomtom drum etc.

What is a percussion instrument large low but has no definite pitch?

That is a bass drum.

What is a non-pitched instrument?

an instrument that is used in percussion that has no actual moving pitch. snare drum for example.