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The microscope, specifically the compound microscope, was a key instrument used in the 18th and 19th centuries to help scientists develop the cell theory. This technology allowed scientists like Robert Hooke and Matthias Schleiden to observe and study cells in greater detail, leading to the formulation of the cell theory that all living organisms are composed of cells.

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Q: Which instrument used in the 18th and 19th centuries that helped scientist develop the cell theory?
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Who said all cells come from preexisting cells?

Rudolf Virchow, a German physician, stated the principle "omnis cellula e cellula" in 1855, which means "every cell stems from another cell." This principle laid the foundation for the concept of cell division and the origin of cells.

What piece of equipment helped scientists develop the cell theory?

The microscope played a crucial role in helping scientists develop the cell theory. It allowed them to observe and study cells, leading to the discovery of their structure, function, and characteristics. This laid the foundation for the cell theory.

What was the instrument that made cell exploration possible microscope?

The microscope was the instrument that made cell exploration possible. By allowing scientists to observe and study cells at a magnified level, the microscope revolutionized our understanding of the structure and function of cells.

Who is the scientist that discovered mutations?

Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak are credited with independently rediscovering Mendel's work on inheritance, and their work helped lay the foundation for our understanding of mutations and genetics.

What are structures that develop from the same embryonic tissues but have different mature forms?

Homologous structures develop from the same embryonic tissue but mature into different forms in different species. An example is the pentadactyl limb in vertebrates, where the same bones form the wings of a bat, flippers of a whale, and arms of a human.

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Which instrument was used in the 18th and the 19th centuries and helped scientists develop the cell theory?

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Which instrument was used in the 18th and 19th centuries and helped scientists develop the cell theory?

The microscope was the instrument used in the 18th and 19th centuries that helped scientists develop the cell theory. Scientists such as Robert Hooke and Anton van Leeuwenhoek were able to observe microscopic structures for the first time, leading to the discovery of cells and the development of the cell theory.

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What instrument helped scientist develop the cell theory?

The microscope was the instrument that helped scientists develop the cell theory. By allowing them to observe cells in detail, scientists like Robert Hooke and Anton van Leeuwenhoek were able to make important discoveries about the structure of cells, leading to the development of the cell theory.

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