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printing press

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Q: Which invention advancement contributed to the renaissance?
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What invention or advancement contributed to the renaissance?

The Printing Press created by Erasmus.(Forgot his first name.)

What contributed to the advancement of visual arts during the renaissance period?

Printing Press.

What are two factors that contributed to the rise of a Scientific Revolution in Europe in the mid 1500s?

The use of the Latin language and the invention of the printing press.

Which advancement in technology directly contributed to the cattle boom?

The railroad was the advancement in technology that directly contributed to the cattle boom. Out in the west they created large cattle kingdoms.

What contributed to the birth of the renaissance?

the Italins

How did Gutenberg use his invention?

Gutenberg used his invention, the printing press, to mass-produce books and pamphlets more efficiently and at a lower cost. This made written materials more accessible to a wider audience and contributed to the spread of knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

What was a dramatic result of Renaissance influence?

It resulted in Scientific Advancement

What was the time of great advancement in art writing and education?

The Renaissance

What contributed to the birth of Italian renaissance?


What cycle led to the advancement of the industrial revolution?

need and invention

What are 2 factors that contributed to the rise of a scientific revolution in Europe in the mid-1500s?

The Renaissance and the Age of European exploration. (I think)

What invention contributed to its importance in 1882?

whats the answer