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there can be many. a few examples are






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Q: Which ionic compound contain three elements?
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Is h2 so4 a binary ionic compound?

No. Bianry compounds contain exactly two elements, an example is NaCl. H2SO4 has three elements and is a ternary compound.

What does ternary ionic compound mean?

"Ternary" means that the compound contains three elements.

Is CF2Cl2 a molecular or ionic compound?

No, CF2Cl2 is covalent as the the three elements in it (Carbon, Fluorine, and Chlorine) are all nonmetals. Nonmetals form covalent bonds with one another.

What is the difference between a binary ionic compound and a teranry ionic compound?

No. Not all binary compounds are ionic and not all ionic compounds are binary. An ionic compound is a compound formed by the exchange rather than the sharing of electrons. A binary compound is any compound of exactly 2 elements. Examples: Sodium chloride (NaCl, compound sodium and chlorine) is both binary and ionic. Potassium hydroxide (KOH, compound of potassium, hydrogen, and oxygen) is ionic but not binary. Water (H2O, compound of hydrogen and oxygen) is binary, but covalent, not ionic.

How many elements does h2so have?

A compound with the chemical formula H2SO is not known. Water (H2O) contain two elements. Sulfurous acid (H2SO3) contain three elements. ...etc.

Is CsOH a molecular compound or ionic?

CsOH is Caesium hydroxide. Like other Grouop ;1; metals it is an IONIC Molecular Compound. Ionic because the caesium has ionised to Cs^+(OH^-) Molecular because is it a complete chemical entity in its own right Compound because it is a combination of three elements.

Is BaSO4 a binary compound?

Barium sulfate is a ternary compound because contain three chemical elements: Ba, S and O.

Witch organic compound contains tree elements?

Many different compounds of petroleum products contain the three elements oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. The combinations of these elements can produce hundreds of compounds.

What is a material that contains three elements joined in a fixed proportion?

If a material contains three elements joined in a fixed proportion, then it is a compound. It can only be separated by a chemical reaction.

What ternary ionic compounds?

Ternary means three different elements (binary means two). These are salts with either :-most commonly a monoatomic cation and a poly atomic anion e.g NaNO3sometimes a a polyatomic cation and monoatomic anion NH4Cl

Which is a binary compound hydrogen sulfide hydrogen sulfate ammonium sulfide or ammonium sulfate?

hydrogen sulfide. The term binary compound means one that contains only two elements, and all the others listed contain three elements.

What is a three-dimensional arrangement of particles in an ionic solid?

It varies with the compound.