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Q: Which is NOT a function of psychosocial development?
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What is the growth of the mind known as?

Depending on the theory of psychology you employ, the growth of the mind can be termed "psychosocial development" or "psychosocial-spiritual development".

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Psychosocial development refers to? we relate to other people.- APEX

Who developed the psychosocial development theory?

Erik Erikson developed the psychosocial development theory, by stating that the social experiences that we all go through throughout our lives serves as a major contributor to the developments of our personalities.

What are psychosocial skills?

Psychosocial development means psychological development in a social realm. That is, psychosocial development is how a person's mind, emotions, and maturity level develop throughout the course of their lifetime. Different people will develop psychosocially at different speeds depending on biological processes and environmental interactions.

Erickson's lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of?

Erikson's lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of self-recognition gained through crises or conflicts.

Are the 3 domains of human growth and development?

physical, cognitive and psychosocial domains.

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