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Q: Which is a reason people were open to new inventions during the Industrial Age?
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What was the main reason that the population boomed during the Industrial Revolution?

becasue alot of people had sex because they founded out it was fun.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci so secretive about his inventions?

leonardo was secretive about his inventions because he feared that other artists or engineers may copy his designs. That's the reason why most of his sketches or drawings are wrong so that no one could duplicate his designs. Another reason was that leonardo knew that with his inventions mankind would take a destructive turn. There would be bloodshed during wars, and he didn't want his inventions to be a part of it.

Was the main reason people moved to the cities during the latter part of the nineteenth century was to find jobs in factories?

Yes, one of the main reasons people moved to cities during the latter part of the nineteenth century was to find employment in factories and other industrial establishments. The Industrial Revolution led to an increase in urbanization as people sought job opportunities in growing industrial cities. Movement from rural areas to cities also offered the promise of better wages and improved living standards for many.

Why women are not able to do inventions like men?

that is a total lie, the only reason there are more male inventions is because in the past women were not allowd to invent things, and so men created most past inventions that is a total lie, the only reason there are more male inventions is because in the past women were not allowd to invent things, and so men created most past inventions

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The reason is that the Native Americans were not as advanced as the Mesopotamia people.

What was the reason for the atomic bomb during the cold war?

To Kill People

Reason why you need to study geometry?

-For New Inventions -For Work Purposes -Shapes and Configurations

For what reason did some people support the British government during the revolution?

They were Loyalists.

What reason best explains why city populations across most of Europe rose markedly in the later 19th century?

This was during the end of the Industrial Revolution. At this time, people were working on cleaning up the environment and pollution. This drew more people into the cities. In addition, more people were living and not dying because there was an abundance of food and medicine.

Industrial jobs are often occupied by what age group?

Industrial jobs are often occupied by young adults, usually between the ages of 18-45. The reason for this is because as people get older, the trades become difficult for them to complete.

Why is there so much slavery during the Industrial Revolution?

the reason for slavery in the industrial revolution is since the cotton gin was invented, the demand for cotton increased. Slave/Plantation owners needed their slaves to work harder so they could make their profit

What was the reason for the success of industrial revolution in Britain?

crazy stuff