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A. Defensive driving courses are effective in reducing accidents among teenagers.

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Q: Which is an example of an argumentative thesis A. Defensive driving courses will help to encourage better driving among teens. B. Teenagers are four times more likely to be involved in an accident tha?
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All information gathered during accident investigations is shared with criminal investigators?

No. The purpose of accident investigations is to prevent future accidents. To encourage Soldiers to participate in the investigation, information provided to the accident investigation officer can NOT be used against him during a criminal investigation. Reference: AR 385-40.

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Undoubtedly, the best tactic is to slow up and encourage them to pass. That way you move the accident at least one car forwards.

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Whether economics, legality, or morality is the most important reason for accident prevention is a matter of personal opinion. Someone more focused on keeping a business operating might select economics while someone focused on avoiding citations and fines might select legality, for example. All are important reasons and should work together to encourage everyone to seek accident prevention.

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you spell accident in french the same way you spell accident in english; accident

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The address of the Accident Branch is: 106 S. North Street, Accident, 21520 0154

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