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If you are looking for something quiet, the go for the Nerf n Strike seeing as it is quieter than the others. Sadly it cannot fire without batteries. The glow feature on the Strike works fairly well but requires about 3 seconds to "charge". This isn't bad but most people using the Strike would shot 3 darts a second , so some will glow while others won't. The Nerf Lumitron on the other hand with its glow in the dark disks is more ideal for night play. Sadly the Lumitron is a 10 disk clip and does not have rifle stock, which would be necessary to balance out the weight of it. Over all if you looking for night play go with the Lumitron. If your looking for something fast and light and quieter go with the Strike.

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Q: Which is better Nerf vortex lumitron or Nerf n strike rayven cs-18?
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What does vortex stands for?

I'm pretty sure you mean "vortec". Vortec is a type of engine class in most chevy truck which gets its name from the vortex inside the combustion chamber. This will result in a better air to fuel mixture for more power and better gas mileage.

Is vortex an adjective?

No. Vortex is a noun.

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There is no antonym for vortex.

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