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Q: Which is farther east Miami Florida or Havana Cuba?
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How far is it from us to Cuba?

227.76 miles from Havana Cuba to Miami Florida

What is farther south havana cuba or Bombay India?

it looks like South Havana Cuba is farther south in comparison with Bombay India. South Havana Cuba is on the southern most side.

What is farther east Cuba or Nicaragua?

Havana is farther East than Managua.

What is the little havana?

Little Havana (Spanish: La Pequeña Habana) is a neighborhood in the city of Miami, with many Cuban immigrant residents. Little Havana is named after Havana, the capital and largest city in Cuba. The high number of Cuban refugees in Miami is due to its proximity to Cuba. Little Havana is famous as the cultural and political capital of Cuban Americans, and the neighborhood is a center of the Cuban exile community.

Where did Gloria estefan grow up as a child?

She was born in Havana,Cuba and was raised in Miami, Florida and Houston,Texas

Havana ia located in what country?

Havana is located in Cuba. It is the capital city of Cuba and serves as its largest city and leading commercial center.

What is further south Hawaii or Miami?

W ell thats easy, it depends on where you are coming from

Is Gloria Estefan still alive?

she is a Singer-songwriter, actress, writer

What keys make up Florida?

The Florida Keys are a series of islands to south of mainland Florida. Key West, the southern most key, is closer to Havana, Cuba, than to Miami, Florida.

Distance from Havana Cuba to Tampa Florida?

333 miles from Tampa to havana

Why is Cuba important to the United States?

Havana is important because it is Cuba's major port.

Which is farther east the capital of cuba or the capital nicaragua and approximate latitudes of the two cities?

Havana, the capital and largest city of Cuba, is located further east than Managua, the capital city of Nicaragua. .