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the jazz age

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Q: Which is following occurred in the historical context of Modernism EXCEPT?
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What is an event's historical context?

An event's historical context is the social or political setting in which it occurred.

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The social or political setting in which it occurred

What is the historical context of the typewriter?

the historical context of the typewritter is non of your buisness! =))

Which phrase best describes an events historical context?

The social and economic conditions that surround it. (APEX)

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the historical context is turn of the twentieth century, London.

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Why historical context important in reading?

Historical context helps readers better understand the meaning of a text.

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The historical context is when Edward tells about Carlisle's past.

What is historical justification?

Historical justification is the reasoning or explanation for why past actions or events occurred based on historical evidence or context. It involves examining the circumstances, beliefs, and motivations of individuals or groups at a specific point in history to understand why certain decisions were made or events unfolded in a particular way.

Why did Leonardo da Vinci and Georges Braque have such different ideas about the value of art?

Each was influenced by his own time, place, and historical context.