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Both the same. 1000kg = 1 metric tonne.

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Q: Which is heavier a ton of feathers or 1000kg of gold?
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Which is heavier a ton of iron or a ton of feathers?

They are both equal in weight.

What is heavier - a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Neither, a ton is a ton.....they are both the same weight.

What is heavier a ton of feathers or a ton f bowling balls?

They equal the same

What is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Neither is heavier. They both weigh a ton. Only there would be much more feathers than bricksFirst of all (face palm). They are the same mass, a tone.

What is heaveyist a ton of coal or a ton of feathers?

Neither is heavier. You could have 100 bricks and a million feathers, they still weigh a ton. If both weigh a ton, it doesn't matter how many.

What is heavier a ton or a ton?

They are equal. tw Which weighs more a ton of rocks or a tonne of feathers? They weigh the same!

What weighs more a ton of feathers or 1000 kilograms of gold?

They weigh the same, a ton is equivelant to 1000 Kilograms, if it helps you will need a lot more of feathers than Gold to make a ton

What is the metric ton?

A metric ton is 1000kg.

What is heavier a ton of gold or a ton of fevers?

A ton of anything weighs the same as a ton of anything else.

What is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of fethers?

This question has been answered to death on this website! To cut a long story short... Given that a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks are of equal mass, but differing volume (the feathers are much less dense, and thus more volumous):Assuming they are measured at the same location on Earth, the ton of feathers would displace more air (a fluid), creating greater upthrust, thus causing them to weigh less.So, a ton of bricks is heavier than a ton of feathers. (on Earth)

What are metric ton?


What weighs more a ton of feathers or gold?

> neither, they both weigh 2,000 pounds > > They both weigh the same. They're both a ton. > The above is not complete. Gold is measured using the Troy system of weights where the ounce is heavier but there's less of them per pound. 1 Avoirdupois ounce = 28.3 grams (Feathers) 1 Troy ounce = 31.1 grams (Gold) There are 12 Troy Ounces is a Troy Pound. There are 16 Avoirdupois Ounces in a Avoirdupois Pound 453 grams in a Avoirdupois pound. 373 grams in a Troy Pound So the Avoirdupois pound is heavier. a troy ton is 2450 troy pounds or 913 kg a Avoirdupois ton has 2 weights, the short ton and the long ton. (note: in the US "short ton" is known as ton and long ton is mostly unused, also known as the imperial ton) a short ton, 907 kg (2000lbs) a long ton is 1016 kg (2240 lbs) So, a short ton of feathers weighs less than a ton of gold, a long ton of feathers weighs more than a ton of gold. Fun times. Unless of course you're referring to the metric ton which is 1000 kg (2205 lbs). In which case they are the same weight.