

Which is longer the ion tail or the dust tail?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The dust tail because the dust tail has a curve to it which will make it take longer.

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Q: Which is longer the ion tail or the dust tail?
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What shapes the comets tail into a shimmering tail?

a ion tail or a dust tail

How does the behavior of a comets dust tail from a comet ion tail?

An ion tail is made of electrically charged particles and a dust tail is made of dust. Also, an ion tail will always point away from the sun because of the solar winds, while a dust tail tends to follow the comet's orbit and doesn't always point away from the sun.

What is a dust tail on a comet?

Fine dust particles escape the nucleus as the ices melt. The dust tail is wide and yellowish. Dust particles are heavier than gas, so the dust tail may be seen in a different position than the ion tail.

A comets ion tail consist of?

it consists of dust from little pieces from other planets......Dust

What does a comet's ion tail consist of?

An ion tail is made of electrically charged particles and a dust tail is made of dust. Also, an ion tail will always point away from the sun because of the solar winds, while a dust tail tends to follow the comet's orbit and doesn't always point away from the sun.

What three things are comets made of?

Comets are made of mainly 3 parts -dust tail, ion tail and coma

What is the two tail of a comet made of?

One tail is gas, and the other ice. The darker, colored tail is gas, and the white easy-to-see tail is ice.

Is the tail of Halley's comet is always opposite to the sun?

A comet's ion (gas) tail always points directly away from the sun. Some comets also have a dust tail (antitail) which may curve slightly away to the side of the ion tail.

A comet's ion tail always extends?

A comets ion or gas tail always extends away from the sun, as it is effected more by the solar wind from the sun. The dust tail follows the orbit of the comet, streaming behind the comet - where the comet has been.

What is a tail of a comet made out of?

A comet actually has two tails, one of dust (the visible one) and one of ionized gas. The dust tail is affected by the sun's gravity, and may be slightly curved. The ion tail always points directly away from the sun in response to the Solar wind.

How many tails does Halley's comet have?

all comets have two tail one is an ion tail made of gas the other is a dust tail made of dust. which means Halley's comet has two tails. :) that's true what the person up there said.. but im doing a project on comets and i searched on Google images for its composition[whats it made of] and it said the was an Ion Tail, a Dust Tail, and a Hydrogen Envelope. the ion tail and the dust tail are right but i have no idea about the hydrogen envelope. confusedd .. Well the first dude is right because i researed it and it said that so ya

What object has a tail made of gases and dust?

A comet is an object that has a tail made of gases and dust.