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Brushing teeth will be far more effective at keeping your dog's teeth healthy. Ideally a dog's teeth should be brushed 3 times a week.

You should introduce brushing slowly to try and increase compliance. Start by just letting the dog lick toothpaste from your finger, then gradually progress to using your fingers to spread the toothpaste over the dog's teeth. Make sure you give lots of praise while doing this and give some sort of treat afterwards to make the dog associate having their teeth brushed with something positive. Then let them lick toothpaste off the toothbrush and eventually try to brush their teeth - hopefully at this point they'll let you do this! If your dog objects to any stage of introducing the brushing then stop and try again another day, if you force your dog to endure anything it doesn't like then it is likely to dislike the process even more next time you try! Some dogs will not tolerate having their teeth brushed no matter what you do, in which case dental chews are better than nothing. You can also get specially formulated dental diets that have a large kibble size and actually 'brush' the teeth while your dog eats.

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Q: Which is more affective brushing your dogs teeth or dental chews?
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The most affective weapon is brushing and taking care of your teeth.

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Brushing your teeth is an important part of your dental care routine.

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Dental sticks do pretty much nothing. Brushing your dogs teeth is the best thing for it, second best would to feed a dental specific diet such as Hill's T/D or Medical Dental Diet or even the PURINA Dental Diet *which rivals the hills and medical vet brands.

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It is very important for your dog to have good dental hygiene. I recommend brushing their teeth at least twice a week.

Do dental chews for dogs work?

Any kind of chew will help your dog keep its teeth clean. With my dog we give her raw-hides, and she has never had a problem with her dental hygiene. Plus her teeth are pretty white after 9 years because she was always rubbing them up against something hard.

How affective is soda to your teeth?

well, some people don't brush their teeth right after drinking a can of soda. During the time peirod their not brushing their teeth, the acid from the pop is sitting on your tooth causing tooth decay.

What s meaning of dental health?

Protecting your teeth from decay, black hole by brushing your teeth with proper toothpaste atleast twice a day(specially after lunch and dinner) is called dental health care.

Food stuck on my teeth?

You might try brushing them from time to time. Dental floss wouldn't be bad idea either.

I am definitely aware how hard it is to take care of my teeth with these braces Do you have any ideas about other ways I can do to take care of my teeth aside from brushing?

You may also want to use a water oral hygiene device that helps to remove food particles from your dental braces that the toothbrush may not reach. It should be used in addition to brushing and flossing, not as a substitute for brushing. While wearing dental braces, be sure to schedule regular dental care exams every three to six months for cleanings to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Can one eat chocolate and go to bed without brushing teeth?

You can go to bed after eating chocolate without brushing your teeth, but it is definitely not recommended. The sugar can react with the plaque and bacteria in your mouth and cause painful and expensive dental problems.

Why is not brushing your teeth a bad habit?

Dental and oral health depend on regular care of the mouth and teeth, including regular brushing. Small point: "not brushing your teeth" is not a habit. Brushing your teeth is a habit. A habit is a specific behavior that you increase with some type of reinforcement. A non-behavior is literally anything-- it is not itself a behavior that can be increased.