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Q: Which is more difficult to separate a compound or a solution?
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Can a compound be a solution too?

A compound is an unique substance.A solution is a mixture of two or more compounds.

Is a compound the same as dissolved?

When a compound is dissolved it is more referred to a solution of a compound. Compound and dissolved are not the same thing

Is a solution a compound or mixture?

A compound is an unique substance.A solution is a mixture of two or more compounds.

How can you separate solution?

please state what kind of solution you wanna separate, is it solid, liquid or gas?you could separate solutions by this methods:pickingfreezing or chillingevaporationdistillaionfiltrationdecantationand etc.(note:thre are many more methods to sperate a solution)

Is a hamburger compound?

A hamburger is a compound, something that is composed of two or more separate elements, it is a mixture

Why can you not just separate carbon dioxide to get oxygen?

You can. Though it is difficult this is because it is chemically bonded. This makes it harder and more difficult to separate.

Compound leaves are divided into separate?

Compound leaves are divided into two or more separate segments called leaflets. The leaf blade is not continuous in this type of leaf.

What is a compound and how can it be separated?

A compound is when 2 or more particles or substances are joined together, you can separate a compound by many processes, most commonly evaporation, for example, how do you separate salt and water, you evaporate the water and are left with salt

Why is it more difficult to test for the presence of chlorine in organic compounds than in inorganic compounds?

because chlorine is not organic compound it is an in organic compound and organic compound dissolves only in organic compound so therefore it is too difficult

When elements chemically bond together they make a?

compound is when two or more elements combine chemically

Is salt water a compound element or mixture?

Salt Water is a homogeneous mixture. More specifically, a solution. Even more specifically, an aqueous solution. Water is a compound, H2O. (Not assuming you don't know this...) Salt is also a compound, NaCl. It is made up of Na+ (Sodium) and Cl- (Chloride) ions. Hence its scientific name is Sodium Chloride. When Salt is put in water, it exists in separate Na+ and Cl- ions, not as a whole NaCl molecule. This is called an aqueous state, therefore giving Salt Water the title of "aqueous solution."

How are compounds made?

Compouds are made of 2 or more elements chemically combined.A compound is a substance made up of two or more elements combined chemically. Compounds are made up of elements which are a kind of atom or of a combination of compounds.When they are combined chemically, it is very difficult to separate out the different elements just as it is very difficult once a cake is baked to separate out the eggs, flour, sugar and other ingredients.Example:Water, H2O, is a combination of 2 hydrogens, and 1 oxygen. So, it is a compound