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Q: Which is more efficient in converting biomass of producers to biomass of consumers -a meat eaten or plant eater?
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Which has more efficient in converting biomass of producers to biomass of consumers-a meat eater or plant eater?

plant eaters because they eat directly into the producers.

Which is more efficient in converting biomass of produces to biomass of consumers a meat eater or a plant eater?

plant eaters because they eat directly into the producers.

Why producers has greater biomass than consumers?

why are the producers having greter biomas than the consumers

Path energy takes from producers consumers decomposers is a called?

biomass , you put it in a pyramid, so a pyramid of biomass.

What is the purpose of a biomass boiler?

The purpose of a biomass boiler is to generate heat by burning or converting mass to energy. It does this in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

What ecosystem might have a pyramid of numbers where there are less producers than consumers?

If the producers happen to be large trees, they can be small in number but still have a large biomass, therefore allowing them to support a community of more consumers.

What do the levels of the food web represent?

Producers->plants Consumers->herbivores Secondary Consumers->carnivore that feeds on herbivores Tertiary Consumers->feed on carnivores Sun=energy source for producers decomposers are the greatest in amount of biomass, serving as the foundation of the biomass pyramid. Ordered by increasing biomass from lowest to highest by a total energy conversion being an average of 10% total energy conversion in each succeeding biomass classification. to understand this, pretend the decomposers have a biomass of 100,000, each level of biomass above decomposers, is divided by 10 to show approximate (obviously not nearly infallible) biomass value. Decomposers X 100,000 (mushrooms, decomposing bacteria etc.) producers X 10,000 consumers X 1,000 secondary consumers X 100 tertiary consumers X 10 there ya have it.. just rambled, hopefully this helped!

What do the Producers Provide?

Producers in an ecosystem create biomass from inorganic substances (nutrients from chemicals present in the soil, air, and the energy from sunlight). Once these substances have been created and incorporated into the producers themselves, they are passed along the food chain into the consumers. Without producers, consumers would inevitably die off from lack of nutrients.

Why is the pyramid of biomass in the English channel inverted?

The inverted biomass pyramid is where the weight of the producers is less than the weight of the consumers. The inverted pyramid is more prevalent in aquatic ecosystems, as in such an environment, the biomass depends on the reproductive ability and the lifespan of the species. The best example is the pond ecosystem, where the mass of the producers of the ecosystem, which are generally the phytoplanktons is always less than the mass of the consumers in the ecosystem, which are generally fish and other insects.

What are the broad categories of aquatic biomass?

The broad categories of aquatic biomass are primary producers and secondary producers.

How is primary productively related to biomass?

Producers store chemical energy in the biomass, also known as organic material, and the rate by which producers in an ecosystem build biomass is primary productivity. Both dealing with building biomass by the action caused by producers. Hope this helps (:

What level on the energy pyramid has the most biomass?

THE LEVEL ON the pyramid that has the most biomass is the tertiary level.