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Q: Which is more important human life or the surface currents?
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Why are density currents so important to marine life in the deep ocean?

Retain the oxygen absorved at the surface layer, as well as the tempeature, salinity, and density.

How do surface currents affect life?

It gives us hot and cold temperatures on earth.

Which is the most important sphere for human life?

All the sphere's are important for the human life.

How is th Ozone layer important to human life?

Ozone is important to human life. It is the most vital part of the life of organisms.

Importance of communication in human life?

communication is very important in human life to express feelings ,and for the development of human in all fields to make our life better and happy communication is important

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Xenon hasn't importance for the human life.

What causes water currents?

Surface ocean currents are mainly wind-driven and occur in all of the world's oceans. Examples of large surface currents that move across vast expanses of ocean are the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, the California Current, the Atlantic South Equatorial Current, and the Westwind Drift. Associated with surface currents are counter-surface and underlying currents. Surface ocean currents are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect holds that because the Earth is spinning, surface waters move in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in a counterclockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere. The currents eventually come into contact with the continents which deflect them, creating giant oceanic current circles known as gyres. Vertical and ocean-bottom currents are mainly driven by density differences caused by changes in temperature and salinity. Originating in polar regions, cold, salty waters sink to the ocean bottom and move toward the opposite poles where they again surface. Vertical upwelling currents can also be caused by winds "blowing off" a coastline. The displaced waters are then replaced by underlying bottom waters. Currents are important to marine life as they help to move food and nutrients, making them available for photosynthesis, metabolic requirements and/or consumption.

Which sphere is important for human life?


How does topography affect human life?

Topography shows elevation and surface features. It has had an affect on human life because now, with topography, we know where elevation is and how high it is.

Why are deserts important to human life?

There are actually quite a few reasons why deserts are important to human life. These deserts hold many of the animals that humans rely on in them for example.

Is Neptune possible to colonize?

No. Neptune is too cold for human life and has no solid surface.

Why are seasons important to human?

seasons are important bcoz our life activities are dependent on seasons.