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Q: Which is more reactive calcium or xenon?
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Is nickel or Xenon more reactive?

Nickel is more reactive.

Is bromine more or less reactive then xenon?

Bromine is way more reactive

Is calcium more reactive than strontium?

No, strontium is more reactive than calcium.

What is more reactive calcium or more reactive?

Calcium is more reactive but not as Potassium or Sodium because according to the displacement series Calcium comes as third and the last under the reactive elements of the displacement series.

Is calcium sulfide more or less reactive to aluminum?

Chemistry of calcium Calcium is generally more reactive than magnesium

How reactive is xenon?

xenon is reactive but it is a very little reaction that will happen.

Are magnesium and calcium more reactive with oxygen in the air than is aluminum?

calcium and mg are more reactive

Calcium or bromine which is more reactive?

I believe its Calcium, because it is in group 2, and Bromine is not in group one or two, making Calcium more reactive.

Is xenon more or less reactive than bromine why?

Xenon is less reactive. Bromine has 7 electrons in its valency shell and so readily forms a negative ion. Xenon has 8 electrons and so is inert.

What happens when calcium oxide reacts with iron?

Iron will react with calcium oxide as iron is more reactive than calcium, therefore calcium (which is the more reactive metal) will displace calcium (the less reactive metal) to form a compound. This is called a displacement reaction.

Is xenon a explosive reactive non-reactive poisonous flammable or corrosive?

Xenon is a noble gas. It is chemically inert (or non-reactive).

What is more reactive calcium or carbon?

calcium because there is calcium carbonate but not carbon calciumate