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K; Potassium

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Potassium is more reactive than lithium, which is more reactive than sodium. This trend is based on the alkali metal group's reactivity, with reactivity increasing as you move down the group due to the decreasing ionization energy and increasing atomic size.

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Q: Which is more reactive sodium or lithium or potassium?
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Yes, potassium is more reactive than lithium, since although they both need to lose one electron to have full outer shells, potassium's outer electron is furthest from the positive attractions of the nucleus. Therefore, it is easier for potassium to lose its outer electron than it is for lithium. hope that helped

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Sodium is more reactive than lithium because sodium has an extra electron in its outer shell, making it easier for sodium to lose that electron and form a stable ion. This extra electron also makes sodium more likely to react with other substances to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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Potassium is more reactive than sodium. This is because potassium is lower in the alkali metal group and has one more electron, making it more likely to lose that electron and react with other elements.

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Potassium will react the fastest due to its location in the alkali metal group, having the most reactive metallic properties. Sodium is less reactive than potassium but more reactive than lithium. Lithium is the least reactive of the three alkali metals.

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Lithium is more reactive than carbon. This is because lithium has a lower ionization energy and is more willing to donate its outer electron to form bonds with other elements. Carbon is less reactive because it has a higher ionization energy and tends to form covalent bonds instead.

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Francium is the most reactive alkali metal among francium, sodium, and potassium because it has the lowest ionization energy. Francium's reactivity increases moving down Group 1 of the periodic table. Sodium is more reactive than potassium due to sodium's lower ionization energy compared to potassium.

Lithium and potassium which is more reactive?

Potassium is more reactive than lithium. This is because the reactivity of an alkali metal increases as you move down the group in the periodic table. Potassium is below lithium in the periodic table and has one more electron in its outer shell, making it more readily give up that electron to form compounds.