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There is universe full of things not included in totem pole designs - it is far simpler to list the things that commonly were included. These represented family, clan and tribal crests: killer whales, wolves, fish, eagles, humans, thunderbird, beaver, bear and other animals and birds.

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Q: Which is not a common subject shown in the totem poles of the pacific northwest?
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What common type of art was found in the pacific northwest?

totem poles

Did the northeast create the totem poles?

Yes, but they were orders of mangitude more common in the Pacific Northwest.

What did the Pacific Northwest Indian make?

Totem poles

Totem poles were common to the tribes of the?

Native American tribes in the Northwest part of North America including the Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, and others build totem poles. They were symbols of clan wealth and prestige.

Why did the pacific northwest build totem poles?

beaker club

Where are totem poles commonly found?

Pacific Northwest of the United States

What region of the US were totem poles common forms of Native American art?

the pacific northwest

What large wooden sculptures are made by the native peoples of the pacific northwest?

totem poles

What kinds of art did the American Indians of pacific northwest do?

they had symbolism art and there were a lot of small animals in each painting

Which animal is usually placed at the top of pacific northwest totem poles?

An eagle is usually the animal that is on top of a Pacific Northwest totem pole. Totem poles have different figures such as legendary ancestors, animals and mythological beast carved into them that are called crests.

What kind of art did the pacific northwest Indians make?

They made pots teepees, statues, and todem poles

Pacific Northwest Indians?

The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest live in an area that ranges from the south of Alaska to the state of Washington. These Native Americans are well-known for their carved totem poles.