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Which one is the answer facts or transi

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Q: Which is not an example of a supporting detail A Fact B Description C topic sentence D illustration?
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What three components make up an example paragraph?

The topic sentence, the body with supporting sentences, and the clincher sentence

What is the best definition for illustration paragraph?

My father jnew when it was time to stand up for his rights.Around town, Jeana is known as the village songbird.

What would be a good illustration example support sentence for the steps that a dental assistant goes through to obtain a degree?

What would be a good illustration example support sentence for the steps that a dental assistant goes through to obtain a degree? this would be a sentence because it is basically you just use the question as a sentence i think

What is a example of illustration?

There are no major difference in both term but we can say that illustration this term use only in when we are talking about the mathematical example. In other hand we can use term example in any where either in math as well as Hindi and English etc.

What is the definition of concrete illustration?

A concrete illustration makes your point using a specific example. Often US high school writing classes will devote much of the curriculum to ensuring students use appropriate illustrations. Remember, the general flow of a paragraph should be 1. Topic sentence that connects back to your thesis followed by 2. Supporting details (concrete illustration) 3. Transition/analysis of details.

What is an example paragraph made up of?

The topic sentence, the body with supporting sentences, and the clincher sentence

What are the three parts of an example paragraph?

The topic sentence, the body with supporting sentences, and the clincher sentence

An example paragraph is made up of what components?

The topic sentence, the body with supporting sentences, and the clincher sentence

What is example paragraph made up of by mary cluck?

the topic sentence, the body with supporting sentences,and the clincher sentence

Why do you need supporting sentences in the body of illustration paragraph?

They provide one extended example of the main point introduced in the topic sentence.

Should you put a comma after for instance?

Yes, a comma should be placed after "for instance" when it is used to introduce an example or illustration in a sentence. This helps to separate the transitional phrase from the rest of the sentence.

How do you make sentence with the word sedan car?

Example sentence - His description of the vehicle led us to believe it was a sedan car.