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Acceleration is not conserved. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. Mass and momentum are both conserved through a set time.

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Q: Which is not conserved mass acceleration energy momentum?
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What is the product of mass and acceleration known as?

Force = mass times acceleration

What is always conserved?

There are several conservation laws in nature: conservation of mass, conservation of energy, of momentum, of angular momentum, of electric charge, and others.

In a collision what is conserved?

Momentum is conserved in a collision. If two cars have the same mass and are traveling at the same speed and collide headfirst, the momentum of both cars cancel each other out and they will be motionless. If one has greater speed or mass than the other, it will still have the difference in momentum after the collision.

What is conserved when two object collide in a closed system?

Momentum is conserved when two objects collide in a closed system.

What is conserved during necleus disintegration?

Several things are conserved, including:* Total mass * Total energy * Total charge * Total momentum * Rotational momentum * Baryon number is conserved in all known reactions, though there are reasons to believe that this is not a strict conservation law * Color charge

What happens to the momentum if the mass of the object increases?

The momentum will increase in this case.The momentum will increase in this case.The momentum will increase in this case.The momentum will increase in this case.

What are some examples of quantity?

The following are some of the quantities have been found to be conserved in all known cases: mass, energy, momentum, angular momentum, electric charge, color charge.

Give two examples showing the conservation of momentum give one example where momentum is not conserved?

Momentum like mass will always be conserved in any process. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity of the object. It is symbolically denoted as p=m*v where p = momentum, m = mass and v = velocity

What is definition of open system?

An open system is a system which can be affected by external factors. Energy of the system can be altered, total momentum, charge, etc. In a closed system, energy, mass, momentum, charge and other properties are conserved.

What does it meanto say that momentum is conserved?

Momentum is the product of mass times velocity. The sum of (momentum x velocity) for all parts of a closed system remains constant. For instance, if two balls collide, any momentum lost by one is gained by the other (transferred to the other). Energy is NOT necessarily conserved (kinetic energy, to be more precise - any energy lost will be converted into heat, usually), so momentum is sometimes more useful for certain calculations.

Is acceleration the momentum of an object depends on its mass?

Yes, f=ma. Force = mass*acceleration.

Is momentum a vector?

Momentum is a vector quantity because the definition of momentum is that it is an object's mass multiplied by velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that has direction and the mass is scalar. When you multiply a vector by a scalar, it will result in a vector quantity.