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Q: Which is not one of the twelve cranial nerves?
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Related questions

How many cranial nerves does a rat have?

Rats have twelve pairs of cranial nerves.

How many pairs are of the cranial nerves?

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that are part of the PNS. These nerves are sensory, mixed and mostly motor.

Why vagus nerve is not splanchnic nerve?

The vagus nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves.

Does the nerve going to the eyebrow go to the spinal cord?

There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves which originate in the spinal cord. There are twelve cranial nerves, which are referred to by Roman numerals. Ten of the twelve cranial nerves originate from the brainstem; the other two stem from the forebrain and thalamus. The nerve that is responsible for eyebrow movement is the VII cranial nerve, also known as the facial nerve. This is one of the ten cranial nerves originating from the brainstem.

What is the twelfth cranial nerve?

The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve. It is considered as one of the most important of all the twelve cranial nerves. These twelve cranial nerves, the vagus nerve included, emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. The vagus nerve originates in the medulla oblongata, a part of the brain stem.

Where the cranial nerves belong?

Cranial Nerves 1-2 Cranial Nerves 3-4 belong to the midbrain. Cranial Nerves 5-8 belong to the pons. Cranial Nerves 9-12 belong to the hindbrain.

How many cranial nerves are?

How many cranial nerves are there

What twelve structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and the brain?

What 12 structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and brain

Why are cranial nerves known as cranial neveres not branial nerves?

Because somebody would ask why it wasn't cranial nerves instead of brainial nerves.

Are Cranial nerves paired?

yes! there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Where do the cranial nerves exit?

The cranial nerves exit from the brain inside the cranial cavity.

What is the nerve that carries the sensation of smell to the brain?

It is the first of the twelve cranial nerve. The name of this nerve is olfactory. It carries the sensation of smell to the brain.