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Monkeys, banana trees, tigers, african lions, etc.

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Q: Which is not part of a white tailed deer's habitat?
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Related questions

What is the white tailed deers tail good for?

When a white-tailed deer is alarmed, it flips its tail up so the white part is visible. Other deer in the area see this, and become very alert while smelling and looking for danger.

How did the white-tailed eagle get its name?

The White Tailed Deer got its name by the white part that borders the tail and it is white underneath it's tail and body. Beagle lover, what was the first answer? That user always writes the stupidest things, like deers eat ice cream or stuff like that.

What do white-tailed deer do in their habitat?

The White-tailed deer's name comes from the patch of white on its tail. It is held aloft like a signaling flag when the animal is alamed and running.

What part do humans play in a white tailed deer's status?

Humans hunt the deer and cause the deer's population to decrease. We also take away their habitat by chopping down forests.

How can you use deers' in a sentence?

Some trees in the deers' forest were being cut so they moved to another part of it.

What body part did the deers use to get food?


Are deers natural resources?

As long as deers are part of the environment and are useful for humane reasons and benefits then yes they are natural resources

Where in the world do white tailed deer live?

Black-tailed deer are primarily found in the very southeastern part of the United States, particularly prominent around Florida. White-tailed deer, on the other hand, are far more commonly found throughout the US and extend into Canada.

White tail deer live in the Piedmont region of Georgia. Part of the forest has been cut down to build a new shopping centers. What will happen to the white tail deer that live in this habitat?

They will find another habitat

What is Alaskas wolf habitat?

Wolves live in every part of Alaska. Each species of wolf is colored to blend in with its habitat so some are almost black and others white.

The white-tailed deer is found throughout North America but it's also named for one particular part of the continent What is it sometimes called?

Virginia deer

What is the habitat for the silver fern?

The silver fern's habitat is in light bush to open country. The fronds are several metres long, and are white on the underside, hence the name Cyathea dealbata.The 'alba' part refers to white. This tree fern will grow up to 8m in height.