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She wrote about the lower classes and people who were not traditionally shown in literature.

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Burney's work was important because she focused on the experiences and emotions of her female characters, which was a departure from previous novels that often emphasized male experiences. This helped pave the way for the novel to become a more inclusive and diverse genre that explored a wider range of perspectives and voices.

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Q: Which is one reason Burney's work was an important step in the development of the novel?
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Which is one reason burneys work was an important step in the development of the novel?

She wrote about the lower classes and people who were not traditionally shown in literature.

What is one reason Burneys work was an important step in the development of the novel?

Type your answer here... He brought realism and detail to his novels that hadn't been seen before*****************************************************************She wrote about the lower classes and people who were not traditionally shown in literature. (apex) - Arismel :D hope i gave you the right one

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