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Q: Which is shown to be an affective treatment for depression?
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Can olanzapine cause depression?

Yes. Please take under medical supervision. Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is an atypical neuroleptic (antipsychotic) that is approved for use by the FDA in combination with Fluoxetine (Prozac) for long-term treatment of Treatment Resistant Depression and for acute depressive episodes in Type 1 Bipolar Affective Disorder.

Where can I find more information about depression and vitamins?

It is believed that low levels of B vitamins can contribute to depression. While it is not a recommended treatment for depression, taking Vitamin B, C, and/or D have been shown to help depression in some people.

Is ketamine really affective for depression?

Ketamine has shown promising results in treating depression, particularly in patients who have not responded to other treatments. Studies have found that it can produce rapid and significant improvements in mood, with effects often observed within hours of administration. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanism of action and long-term safety and efficacy. Additionally, ketamine is not yet approved by the FDA for the treatment of depression and should only be administered under the care of a medical professional.

What is the medical term meaning depression caused by winter season?

Seasonal affective disorder.

What kind of treatments or therapy can be used for seasonal effective disorder?

Season depression is another name for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). An effective treatment for SAD is called light therapy. There are two types of light therapy, bright light treatment and dawn stimulation. Along with the therapy treatment, an antidepressent is usually prescribed.

How do people get seasonal affective disorder?

They're born with it I disagree that people are born with SAD - it is like any form of depression and some people may be more suseptible than others. There's a lot of factors, both physical and mental that can cause people to be at risk of depression, which can then be triggered by outside influences. Seasonal Affective Disorder is similar to depression but clinical studies have shown that using a light box can relieve symptoms in many cases. A light box simulates bright, natural daylight and regular exposure can help.

What month has the highest rate of depression?

winter months, but that is due mostly to SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

How effective is 7.5 mg of lexapro for anxiety and depression?

it can be very affective base off of your level of anxity

When should one go to a depression treatment center?

You may want to seek treatment for depression, if your symptoms have persisted for more than two or three weeks. Treatment for depression has helped many people.

What is reverse seasonal affective disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression most often associated with the lack of daylight. Although seasonal affective disorder is most common when light is low, it may occur in the spring, and it is then often called reverse SAD.

Is severe depression and clinical depression the same thing?

Yes, they are the same. Severe depression is also called "major" depression. The differentiation is with bipolar depression. That depression is the depressive cycle of the illness. Clinical depression is more prevalent in women. While there is no research-based reason for this, in my opinion it is because research has shown that women are more emotional than are men.

Can the sun cause depression?

As of now, there's no evidence that the sun itself (in terms of UV ray exposure and such) causes depression. However, daylight may play a role in depression. There is a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in which depression sets in usually during autumn and winter months because lack of light may throw off one's circadian rhythm (our 24-hour biological cycle). Light therapy is a biomedical treatment for SAD.